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Hunting and Fishing Depot Blog

  • Turkey Grand Slam
    March 16, 2018 Brock Lee

    Turkey Grand Slam: Every Hunters Dream

    Every turkey hunters dream is to complete the single-season Grand Slam by harvesting at least one of each of the four subspecies of Wild Turkey in the U.S.  These include the Osceola, Eastern, Rio Grande, and Merriam Turkeys. This is a guide to accomplishing the feat of the Grand Slam.
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  • Morel Foraging
    March 12, 2018 Brock Lee

    Tips on Morel Foraging: The Craft of Hunting for the Yellows

    Morels are wild mushrooms harvested during springtime by avid foragers. Unlike other fungi, these are wild and can’t be tamed for commercial production. Their symbiotic relationship with individual trees and outdoor elements make them thrive in the wild and can’t be replicated in a controlled environment. Foragers, particularly mushroom hunters, relish the spring season as the hunt of the elusive morels commences.
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  • Waterfowl Identification
    March 7, 2018 Brock Lee

    Waterfowl Identification

    Waterfowl identification is a critical aspect of duck hunting. Knowing the type of birds flying over or landing in a duck spread could be the difference to shooting a limit or not. The small amount of time needed to identify a duck could save you the hassle of going over a limit. Even the best waterfowl hunters have said there are times it’s hard to identify the species around you. We want to help you get better with your waterfowl identification and ultimately make you a better duck hunter.
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  • Jetty Fishing For Sheepshead
    March 2, 2018 Brock Lee

    Jetty Fishing For Sheepshead

    Fishing from the jetties can make for an awesome day of fishing. When the sheepsheads are running, the jetties are a prime area for targeting large convicts. Always remember to have the right gear and keep safety in mind to have a successful day od sheepshead fishing at the jetties.
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  • Chumming For Sheepshead: Ways To Improve Sheepshead Fishing
    January 24, 2018 Brock Lee

    Chumming For Sheepshead: How to make chum for sheepshead

    Since there is a level of difficulty in catching a sheepshead we thought of another way of increasing your chances. The more sheepsheads that are around, the more sheepshead you will catch if you are using the right bait and lures. To do this, you must chum for sheepshead or provide some attractant to bring them around. Here are our top 3 ways for chumming for sheepshead or using attractants. Whatever method you choose as an angler, it will only help your sheepshead bites increase.
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  • Snook Fishing 101
    December 8, 2017 Brock Lee

    Snook Fishing 101: Baits, Snook Lures And Equipment

    Understanding the snook and how snook fishing is done with snook jigs, snook lures, and the right fishing equipment. One of the best types of fishing is snook fishing. They can be caught with many different lures and different ways. A complete snook fishing guide for how you should be catching your snook.

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  • The Flounder Pounder
    November 29, 2017 Brock Lee

    The Flounder Pounder

    Patience is the key to a good day of flounder fishing. Knowing where the flounder will be and how they will react to the bait you are throwing is half the battle. Know exactly what you will fish with from your rigs to your jigs. Now get out there and catch your next flounder for dinner.
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