Vicious 15lb fluorocarbon leader line withstands abrasion.
15 lb Fluorocarbon Leader Line is one of the best leader lines for the price. Designed to fight fish with the perfect amount of strength and stretch. Very strong for 15 lb test line and durable when fighting 15 plus pound fish. Comes in both 33 yard and 110 yard spools. Use this fluorocarbon leader line to attach to braided line, mono line, or even fluorocarbon line. The fluorocarbon is also for leader line in saltwater or on carolina rigs when bass fishing. This leader line works great in fresh and saltwater. With a diameter of only .380 mm
The Perfect Fluorocarbon Leader Line for clear water fish!
- .380 mm diameter
- abrasion resistant
- extra sensitive
- low visibility
- minor stretch
Vicious 15lb fluorocarbon leader line will work for any 15lb leader applications in either fresh or salt. Get yours today and you will not be disappointed.