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Biggest Sheepshead Club

Sheepshead Nation, If you haven't heard yet we are starting the biggest sheepshead club. We want to see all the massive sheepshead you guys catch shown off to world with a recorded weight. This is strictly for bragging rights and the official Sheepshead Nation weight class decal. These cannot be bought and must be earned based on the weight of your sheepshead. Catch a sheepshead 7lbs or bigger and snap a picture with the scale and the whole sheepshead to claim your decal. This is no game for the small are going to have to land a 7lb or bigger to get into this exclusive club.

7lb Sheepshead Club

Brandon Prato 7lb Sheepshead Club

Branden Prato

Josey McBride 7lb Sheepshead Club

Josey McBride

8lb Sheepshead Club

Sam Pierce 8lb Sheepshead Club

Sam Pierce

Drew Giles 8lb Sheepshead Club

Drew Giles

David Murray 8lb Sheepshead Club

David Murray

Craig Van Brocklin 8lb Sheepshead Club
Troy Johnson 8lb Sheepshead Club

9lb Sheepshead Club

Randall Lanier 9lb Sheepshead Club
Micheal Brandt 9lb Sheepshead Club
Thomas Dean 9lb Sheepshead Club

Thomas Dean

Jason Tatum 9lb Sheepshead Club

10lb Sheepshead Club

Doug Hewett 10lb Sheepshead Club
Jerry Milan 10lb Sheepshead Club
Jon Lu 10lb Sheepshead Club

11lb Sheepshead Club

Jason Eddins 11lb Sheepshead Club

12lb Sheepshead Club

Chris Snarr 12lb Sheepshead Club
Justin Grimes 12lb Sheepshead Club
Kendall White 12lb Sheepshead Club

13lb Sheepshead Club

Wade Mckendree 13lb Sheepshead Club

14lb Sheepshead Club

Chris Beasley 14lb Sheepshead Club

15lb Sheepshead Club

16lb Sheepshead Club

Sheepshead can be speared, caught by rod and reel, bow hunted, or however else you catch them. This will add some bragging rights to sheepshead nation and push other members to beat their personal best. If you submit a fish then catch one bigger great! We will bump you up to the next weight class and send you a new decal. Send your fish pictures to and I will slap the weight class sticker on the photo and post to the group. We look forward to seeing all your sheepsheads and seeing who can beat their personal best.



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