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Fishing: The new healthy diet

Fishing: The new healthy diet

Health Benefit Of Fishing: The New Healthy Diet

Fishing has always been a great sport, means of income for some and a passionate past time for many seeking that colossal catch. Not surprisingly, most people fish just for the love of it. What a lot of people do not realize is that fishing is the sport that gives back in more than one way. Not only does it provide food for many people across the globe, but it is an excellent means of physical activity. It may be improper to talk about fishing without recognizing the health benefits it has to offer.

An average person may think of fishing as what it entails; sitting in a boat or on the bank waiting for the fish to hit. Contrary to this idea, there is much more to fishing which makes every catch worth it. When you engage in fishing, you will subconsciously tap into the health benefits that it has to offer. So why not burn some calories while doing something fun.

Despite your level of experience, many different types of fishing like kayak fishing, wade fishing, and offshore fishing leave you physically and mentally engaged in the activity. A lot of great fish are caught by other means of fishing other than by boat. It could be by hiking into a remote place, through saltmarsh or any different type of environments. One of these methods is by actually getting into the water and wade fishing. Undoubtedly, wade fishing has appeared to be the best option for anglers who want to get close to the fish they seek. It takes a bit of courage to wade in water as high up to your waist, but you stand a chance to catch fish you will be proud you caught. The wade fishing engages your body and mind entirely in the fish catching exercise.

Relaxed and Stressed

When you take a look at kayak fishing and the benefits associated with it, you may be tempted to undermine the usual fishing from a boat. The wider fishing kayak gives up speed for stability, as an efficient fishing machine, you can get to every inshore spot with it. Ever imagined fishing without noise? A scenario where it is just you and nature, you can the fish very close to you without any noise scaring the fish away. In fact, Kayak fishing offers you a whole lot of health benefits while increasing your chances of a higher catch.

Engaging in the fishing makes you keep fit and healthy at no small measure. Thinking of starting out fishing, there are significant health benefits that await you, and for those that are already into fishing, you are currently reaping these benefits. 


Trebble Hook Heart

The key to a happy heart is through fishing. You can take this literally and physically. Exercise that raises the heart rate can be beneficial to great heart health. Most anglers achieve this by walking around their favorite fishing spot casting, kayaking around the marsh or bay, or even wade fishing. This is all done to achieve one of the greatest feelings of catching that monster fish. These activities are guaranteed to keep your heart rate up while burning calories doing what you love. Often times this may be the only time people get out and become active. Burning calories fishing is better than sitting on your couch watching television. Plus you can always land dinner to take home. 


Brain Health

Stress is, unfortunately, something that everyone struggles with. It often can result in other issues if it gets the best you. This is why we highly recommend fishing as the ultimate stress reliever. Some of the best stress therapy is achieved by going out and throwing a line in the water. Being outdoors allows for people to clear their mind and take in all that nature has to offer. Unplugging from the digital world and keying into the natural scenery creates a feeling of excitement and brings a sense of calmness to any angler. Many anglers use recreational sports fishing as a means of therapy to help reduce the need of medication for mood and attitude adjustments. There definitely is some truth behind your doctor prescribing a day of fishing.

Relaxing fisherman

Fishing is a natural meditative activity that opens your eye to the natural surroundings. Whatsoever be the reason why a fisherman fishes, be it for the money, fun, get together or hang out with friends; the supreme sense of calmness and relaxation that comes with fishing is excellent. The therapeutic exercise is apt for persons with issues of trauma. Fishing requires you to input your undivided attention to get over the exciting challenges of fishing, locating a fish, developing and applying strategy, choosing the right fly, and accurately presenting the fish with the lure are all products of a calculative mental activity. These mental activities brighten your mental capability and offer you an escape route from anxiety, stress and even depression.


Not surprisingly, some people still think that fishing is not an exercise, perhaps this is why they have been neglecting this fun-filled activity. Of course, you may not burn tons of calories while sitting on your kayak or wading in a stream, but to an extent, you get a workout without going to the gym. Wade fishing burns as much as twice the calories burned over an hour period. Fishing is a great exercise that you may not know; you build your balance while resisting the water currents and overcoming the slippery rocks. We are by no means telling you to neglect the gym, but if you are thinking about laying around the house or getting out there to fish, then, by all means, go fishing!

Kayak Fishing


It may not sound very real, but fishing definitely helps in boosting your immune system. Phosphorus and calcium are necessary minerals that boost the body’s immune system and stand against disease. While these metals perform this function, vitamin D controls their absorption. Vitamin D is absorbed from the sun when you are outdoors fishing. The more time you spend under the sun, the more vitamin D is absorbed which raises your vitamin D level and overall helping to improve your immune health.


The average American person is overweight. Unfortunately, obesity is a problem in the united states and does not appear to be going away anytime soon. With access to fast food and unhealthy food choices, we have to come up with ways to manage weight gain. So what is our best way to lose weight? FISHING! Being outdoors and fishing makes you active while burning some calories, which in return increases your metabolism. Several options like kayak fishing and wade fishing will burn more calories than other. The resistance of walking through the water serves as a great way to increase your heart rate. So if you love fishing and are looking for a great means of losing weight, pick up kayak fishing today and reduce those calories. 


Kayak fishing is an activity that can greatly improve your strength, flexibility, and even aerobic fitness. While kayaking under the sun improves your vitamin D production, your arms, muscles, shoulders are greatly improved due to paddling. This is a full upper body workout. From your biceps, triceps, chest, and core. This intense workout will only improve your strength and flexibility. Kayak fishing and wade fishing are quickly becoming mainstream. People are choosing to partake in these activities for exercise rather than fish from a motorized boat. 

We are by no means re-inventing the wheel here. We are just informing you of the healthy benefits fishing has to offer. If you want to drop a few pounds and become an overall healthy person. Monitor your diet and take up fishing. So get out there and fish, feel the nature and get a workout to keep healthy and fit.

Do not hesitate to contact us at with any questions may have. Send us other great ideas for a healthy lifestyle and fishing. Please leave comments below!

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If you have been looking for a new healthy diet and want to reap the health benefits of fishing, all you have to do is just get out there and do it.
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