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Decoy Weights & Anchors

The Best Decoy Weights For Your Waterfowl Decoy Spreads

Having the best decoy weights can be the difference between a good day of hunting and a great day of hunting. At Hunting and Fishing Depot we know how important it is to have the right decoy anchors for your decoy spread. We want to provide every duck hunter with the right style of weights that will fit their needs. Our decoy weights are designed for easy rigging which will save you time while out hunting. 

What size weight for texas rig decoys?

When it comes to your texas rigging options we offer a variety of lead decoy weight types that will complete your rigs. We offer bank sinker, mushroom weights, and egg sinkers with a large 3/16 hole. These are all the best options for rigging your decoy texas rig.

What size weights for duck decoy anchor?

When it comes to picking out the right size weight for your decoy rigs its best to go with larger weight options. We offer options that start at 4oz all the way up to 12oz. We want to outfit your rigging option with only the best that have proven to keep your decoy rigs in place.



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